Lens image

13th IEEE International Workshop on

Computational Cameras and Displays

Seattle Convention Center

June 18, CVPR 2024


Computational photography has become an increasingly active area of research within the computer vision community. Within the few last years, the amount of research has grown tremendously with dozens of published papers per year in a variety of vision, optics, and graphics venues. A similar trend can be seen in the emerging field of computational displays – spurred by the widespread availability of precise optical and material fabrication technologies, the research community has begun to investigate the joint design of display optics and computational processing. Such displays are not only designed for human observers but also for computer vision applications, providing high-dimensional structured illumination that varies in space, time, angle, and the color spectrum. This workshop is designed to unite the computational camera and display communities in that it considers to what degree concepts from computational cameras can inform the design of emerging computational displays and vice versa, both focused on applications in computer vision.

The Computational Cameras and Displays (CCD) workshop series serves as an annual gathering place for researchers and practitioners who design, build, and use computational cameras, displays, and imaging systems for a wide variety of uses. The workshop solicits posters and demo submissions on all topics relating to computational imaging systems.

Previous CCD Workshops: CCD2023, CCD2022, CCD2021, CCD2020, CCD2019, CCD2018, CCD2017, CCD2016, CCD2015, CCD2014, CCD2013, CCD2012

Location: Arch 204

Keynote Talks

Marc Levoy
Marc Levoy
Marc Levoy is the VMware Founders Professor of Computer Science (Emeritus) at Stanford University and a Vice President and Fellow at Adobe. In previous lives he worked on computer-assisted cartoon animation (1970s), volume rendering (1980s), 3D scanning (1990s), light field imaging (2000s), and computational photography (2010s). At Stanford he taught computer graphics, digital photography, and the science of art. At Google he launched Street View, co-designed the library book scanner, and led the team that created HDR+, Portrait Mode, and Night Sight for Pixel smartphones. Levoy's awards include Cornell University's Charles Goodwin Sands Medal for best undergraduate thesis (1976) and the ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics Achievement Award (1996). He is an ACM Fellow (2007) and member of the National Academy of Engineering (2022).
Imari Sato
Imari Sato
National Institute of Informatics
Imari Sato received the BS degree in policy management from Keio University in 1994. After studying at Robotics Institute of Carnegie Mellon University as a visiting scholar, she received the MS and Ph.D. degrees in interdisciplinary Information Studies from the University of Tokyo in 2002 and 2005, respectively. In 2005, she joined the National Institute of Informatics, where she is currently a professor. Concurrently, she serves as a visiting professor at Tokyo Institute of Technology and a professor at the University of Tokyo. Her primary research interests are in the fields of computer vision (physics-based vision, spectral analysis, image-based modeling). She has received various research awards, including The Young Scientists’ Prize from The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (2009), and Microsoft Research Japan New Faculty award (2011).
Aswin Sankaranarayanan
Aswin Sankaranarayanan
Aswin C. Sankaranarayanan is a professor in the ECE department at CMU, where he leads the Image Science Lab. His research interests are broadly in computational photography, signal processing and vision. His doctoral research was in the University of Maryland where his dissertation won the distinguished dissertation award from the ECE department in 2009. Aswin is the recipient of best paper awards at SIGGRAPH 2023 and CVPR 2019, the NSF CAREER award in 2017, as well as the Eta Kappa Nu Excellence in Teaching award.
Katie Bouman
Katie Bouman
Katherine L. (Katie) Bouman is an associate professor in the Computing and Mathematical Sciences, Electrical Engineering, and Astronomy Departments at the California Institute of Technology. Her work combines ideas from signal processing, computer vision, machine learning, and physics to find and exploit hidden signals for scientific discovery. Before joining Caltech, she was a postdoctoral fellow in the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. She received her Ph.D. in the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) at MIT in EECS, and her bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Michigan. She is a Rosenberg Scholar, Heritage Medical Research Institute Investigator, recipient of the Royal Photographic Society Progress Medal, Electronic Imaging Scientist of the Year Award, Sloan Fellowship, University of Michigan Outstanding Recent Alumni Award, and co-recipient of the Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics. As part of the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration, she co-led the Imaging Working Group and acted as coordinator for papers concerning the first imaging of the M87* and Sagittarius A* black holes.

Invited Talks

Atul Ingle
Atul Ingle
Portland State University
Atul Ingle received the Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2015. He is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Portland State University and an IEEE Member. He directs the Portland State Computational Imaging Laboratory which designs next generation computational cameras and computer vision algorithms for resource-constrained applications. His work on single-photon 3D cameras received the Marr Prize honorable mention award at ICCV 2019 and the ICCP Best Paper award in 2023.
Jinwei Ye
Jinwei Ye
George Mason University
Jinwei Ye is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at George Mason University. Before that, she was an Assistant Professor at Louisiana State University (2017–2021). She received her Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Delaware in 2014. She was a postdoctoral fellow at US Army Research Lab (2014–2015), and a senior research scientist at Canon U.S.A. (2015–2017). Her research interests are at the intersection of computer vision, computational imaging, and computer graphics, with a focus on geometry and material reconstruction. Her works are mainly supported by NSF and ARL. She received the NSF CRII award in 2020 and NSF CAREER award in 2023. She served in the senior program committee (area chair) and organizing committee for many computer vision and AI conferences, including CVPR, ICCV, ICCP, AAAI, and IJCAI. She is a Senior Member of IEEE.
Evan Peng
Evan Peng
University of Hong Kong
Yifan "Evan" Peng is currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Hong Kong (HKU), affiliated with both EEE and CS departments. Before joining HKU, he was a Postdoctoral Research Scholar at Stanford University. Dr. Peng received his PhD in Computer Science, the University of British Columbia, both his MSc and BS in Optical Science and Engineering from State Key Lab of Modern Optical Instrumentation, Zhejiang University. Dr. Peng has been working on a family of Neural + X projects for cameras, displays, microscopes, and rendering. Dr. Peng was the recipient of the AsiaGraphics Young Research Award (2022), ICBS Frontiers of Science Award (2023), as well as the IEEE VR Tech Significant New Researcher Award (2023).
Akshat Dave
Akshat Dave
Akshat Dave is a postdoctoral associate in the Camera Culture group at MIT Media lab with Prof. Ramesh Raskar. His research lies at the intersection of computer vision, graphics, and imaging. He received his PhD in 2023 from Rice University advised by Prof. Ashok Veeraraghavan where his PhD dissertation won the Ralph Budd Thesis Award. He is also a recipient of the Lodieska Stockbridge Vaughn Fellowship and the Texas Instruments Fellowship.
Abe Davis
Abe Davis
Abe Davis is an assistant professor in the Computer Science Department at Cornell University, where his research group works at the intersections of computer graphics, vision, and human-computer interaction. Abe earned his Ph.D. in EECS from MIT CSAIL, and his thesis won the MIT Sprowls Award for Outstanding PhD Dissertation in Computer Science as well as honorable mention for the ACM SIGGRAPH Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award. Abe was also named one of Forbes Magazine's "30 under 30", Business Insider's "50 Scientists Who are Changing the World" and "8 Innovative Scientists in Tech and Engineering", he has won the "Most Practical SHM Solution for Civil Infrastructures" Award at IWSHM, and is a recipient of the NSF CAREER award in 2024.


Time(Seattle local) Title Speaker
8:45 - 9:00 Welcome / Opening Remarks Organizers
9:00 - 9:30 Keynote 1: Advanced Optical Imaging: Scattering and Absorption-Based Internal Structure Analysis with Photoacoustic Technology Imari Sato
9:30-9:50 Invited Talk 1: Invisible Fluorescent Markers for Deformable Tracking Jinwei Ye
9:50 - 10:10 Invited Talk 2: Resource-Aware Single-Photon Imaging Atul Ingle
10:10 - 10:30 Morning Break
10:30 - 11:00 Keynote 2: Spatially-Selective Lensing Aswin C. Sankaranarayanan
11:00 - 11:15 Spotlight presentations
11:15 - 12:30 Poster Session (Boards #315-344)
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch break
13:30 - 14:00 Keynote 3: Computational photography at the point of capture on mobile cameras Marc Levoy
14:00 - 14:20 Invited Talk 3: Mobile Time-Lapse Abe Davis
14:20 - 14:40 Invited Talk 4: From Cameras to Displays, End-to-End Optimization Empowers Imaging Fidelity Evan Peng
14:40 - 15:00 Invited Talk 5: Revealing the Invisible with Neural Inverse Light Transport Akshat Dave
15:00 - 15:30 Afternoon Break
15:30 - 16:00 Keynote 4: Seeing Beyond the Blur: Imaging Black Holes with Increasingly Strong Assumptions Katie Bouman
16:00 - 16:45 Panel discussion
16:45 - 16:55 Closing Remarks

Posters & Spotlights

ID Board Number Title Presenter
1 #315 Learning Constrained Binary Color Filter Arrays For Enhanced Demosaicking with Trainable Hard Thresholding Ali Cafer Gurbuz
2 #316 Physics constrained neural tomography of a black hole Aviad Levis
3 #317 Single View Refractive Index Tomography with Neural Fields Brandon Zhao
4 #318 Towards 3D Vision with Low-Cost Single-Photon Cameras Carter Sifferman
5 #319 Optimized nano optics for 360 Structured light Eunsue Choi
6 #320 PixRO: Pixel-Distributed Rotational Odometry with Gaussian Belief Propagation Ignacio Alzugaray
7 #321 Behind the Blurry Background: Practical Synthetic Features To Enable Robust Imaging Through Scattering Jeffrey Alido
8 #322 Doppler Time-of-Flight Rendering Juhyeon Kim
9 #323 3D sensing with single-photon cameras for resource-constrained applications Kaustubh Sadekar
10 #324 Seeing the World Through Your Eyes Kevin Zhang
11 #325 WaveMo: Learning Wavefront Modulations to See Through Scattering Mingyang Xie
12 #326 Domain Expansion via Network Adaptation for Solving Inverse Problems Nebiyou Tenager Yismaw
13 #327 TurboSL: Dense, Accurate and Fast 3D by Neural Inverse Structured Light Parsa Mirdehghan
14 #328 Computational multi-aperture camera for wide-field high-resolution imaging Qianwan Yang
15 #329 Turb-Seg-Res: A Segment-then-Restore Pipeline for Dynamic Videos with Atmospheric Turbulence Ripon Kumar Saha
16 #330 CodedEvents: Optimal Point-Spread-Function Engineering for 3D-Tracking with Event Cameras Sachin Shah
17 #331 Snapshot Lidar: Fourier embedding of amplitude and phase for single-image depth reconstruction Sarah Friday
18 #332 Differentiable Display Photometric Stereo Seokjun Choi
19 #333 Dispersed Structured Light for Hyperspectral 3D imaging Suhyun Shin
20 #334 Generalized Event Cameras Varun Sundar
21 #335 ƒNeRF: High Quality Radiance Fields from Practical Cameras Yi Hua
22 #336 Spectral and Polarization Vision: Spectro-polarimetric Real-world Dataset Yujin Jeon
23 #337 Projecting Trackable Thermal Patterns for Dynamic Computer Vision Mark Sheinin
24 #338 Explicit Neural Fields for 3D Refractive Index Reconstruction using Two-photon Fluorescence Illuminations Yi Xue
25 #339 Streaming quanta sensors Tianyi Zhang
26 #340 Textureless Deformable Object Tracking with Invisible Markers Yubei Tu

Workshop Chairs

Computational Cameras and Displays Workshop - June 18, 2024